Client-side Object Model

Vestibulum ut eros non enim commodo hendrerit. Donec porttitor tellus non magna. Nam ligula elit, pretium et, rutrum non, hendrerit id, ante. Nunc mauris sapien, cursus in.

This sample shows how to modify the expander behavior and appearance using client-side script.

The following client-side options are used in the sample:

  • expanded - determines the visibility state of the content panel. If True, the content element is visible.
  • allowExpand - determines if the widget can expand. Set this option to False if you want to disable the collapse/expand ability.
  • expandDirection - determines the content expand direction. Available values are top, right, bottom, and left.

The following client-side events used in the sample:

  • beforeCollapse - occurs before the content area collapses. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the content area from collapsing;
  • beforeExpand - occurs before the content area expands. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the content area from expanding;
  • afterCollapse - occurs after the content area collapses;
  • afterExpand - occurs after the content area expands;